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Amotai Logo

Connecting Māori and Pasifika businesses to procurement opportunities.

FOMA logo

Assisting Māori businesses to achieve greater returns.

Te Puni Kokiri - Ministry of Maori Development Logo

Māori Business Growth Report is run by Te Puni Kōkiri. It helps Māori businesses to become established and grow. It is focused primarily on Māori small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that have a clear commercial focus. 

Asset 4

Rauemi | Resources

He kai kei aku ringa Logo

The Crown–Māori Economic Development Strategy, He kai kei aku ringa, provides an organising framework to drive an all-of-government focus on achieving positive economic outcomes for Māori.

Maori Womens Developement Incorporated Logo

MWDI provide E-Hine business growth programme and loans to Māori women and their whānau to enable and assist them to enter into and commence business and/or to expand and restructure their existing businesses.

Poutama Trust Logo

Poutama Trust has 3 funds for business to innovate, grow and develop. Logo

WellingtonNZ supports Māori in business through connections to services and support to learn, grow and thrive. Logo has tools and assistance for those in business or intending to start or manage a business.

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